Why girls like The Belle were tremendous failures at being hippies

A true baby boomer, started high school in 1969, and graduated in 1973.  This meant I got the 1950’s era ‘raising a little Belle’ education, combined with all the crazy changes that happened in the 1960’s. I had lots of friends who were considered ‘hippies’, and lots who weren’t.  I hung out more with the […]

New trend of the south?

Are you kidding?  Who grew up in the south and never heard of this:  putting peanuts in a Co’cola??  Gee.

This is just downright disgusting

An 80-year-old lady is banned for life at a YMCA she’s been swimming at for decades.  Why?  She complained about men who said they were women being in the changing rooms with her and others, including little girls.  Who would want this? Now, it’s not enough to get HER banned for bigotry, they show up […]

A rocket-launching robot dog?

Where do I sign up, this must be on my Christmas list!  In the words of Will Smith in Independence Day “I got to get me one of these!”