Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

On top of the disturbing overreach of the DoJ/FBI being used {again} to target political foes of the Administration, there’s this:  the claim that Attorney General Garland didn’t know about the raid on Trump’s home.  REALLY?

So, agents of the FBI went off on their own and decided to do this, knowing that it would be huge national/international news, and didn’t inform all the Top Dogs about it?  Really? Sounds like a grand idea to me, if you want to be fired, or become Special-Agent-In-Charge at the North Pole field office.

Or let’s just for a moment pretend like the AG’s telling the truth:  does the idea that FBI agents are just willy-nilly setting out to raid former Presidents’ houses all on their own make you feel better?  That would be a truly out-of-control situation.

And then that silly woman in the White House saying that Biden had no knowledge of this.  Well, to give her the benefit of the doubt, I don’t know what President Biden knows from one minute to the next – but don’t tell me that the administration in the White House didn’t know.  Puh-leeze.

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