The “Lone Gunman” of 2022

FBI agent Tim Thibault abruptly resigned yesterday, and was escorted out of the building “amid whistleblower allegations that he showed political bias in his handling of politically sensitive investigations.”

Yep, it was just this ONE GUY and he did it all, right?  In a bureaucracy, you don’t do something that wild without at least tacit, if not direct, approval from the Powers That Be.  Just doesn’t work that way.

Since “Republican Rep. Jim Jordon of Ohio, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, has also been fielding FBI whistleblower allegations and has indicated his intention, should the GOP win the House in November, to investigate both the agency itself and the Justice Department in general”, they are almost guaranteed a big investigation.

Therefore, we better start ‘policing’ ourselves, right?  Let’s just throw this one sacrificial person into the volcano, and “See, look, the bad guy is gone, we fixed it – no need for any big congressional investigations”.

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