CA Governor’s in-laws left California during the pandemic

Guess where they ended up?????  If you said “Florida”, you guessed right. “Remember when Gavin Newsom started running ads in Florida attempting to convince voters to move to California — and in many cases, return there?  Maybe Newsom’s campaign was more personal than we thought.  Was he trying to convince his in-laws to come back […]

I agree totally

The Belle hates bullies in all shapes and forms.  Anyone who is rude to someone who can’t answer you back is a cowardly little creep!  Wouldn’t last 5 minutes as a waitress, or similar occupation. I did HelpDesk calls for some computer users for years, and discovered that the more likely that the person caused […]

Could this have been much worse?

Downright creepy.  He’s all but called all the people who didn’t vote for him “enemies of the state”.  The Marines standing behind him, are those supposed to be his ‘enforcers’, or something?  The “Welcome to Hell” lighting? “Joe Biden’s address in Philadelphia tonight is one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in […]