What is wrong with these people??

Have y’all seen this company’s  (Lume’s) TV ads? Where they discuss & rank “crotch stink odor”? My young self used to get so embarrassed watching TV with my Dad, and Jane Russell would come on talking about “full-figured” gals & Playtex bras.   Running a close second in grossness is Gilette’s Venus razor commercial about […]

Joe “I never said that” Biden rides again

After declaring that all MAGA Republicans (i.e., anyone who didn’t vote for him) are a threat to democracy in his televised speech and being thoroughly cheered for it by his fawning fans in the media – he now says he doesn’t consider them a threat.    Making his media fans look like the idiots that […]

I certainly don’t blame them

A once-beautiful city becoming a cesspool, and people are leaving Portland in droves.  Read about some of their experiences.  I don’t know if these fleeing citizens voted for the idiots that ran the city into the ground, but I sure hope wherever they go, they don’t vote in the same types of people that allowed this […]