We used to call this “Cutting Off Your Nose to Spite Your Face”

In other words, taking actions that hurt YOU more than your intended victim.  Those geniuses in Europe have now realized that it was a really, really bad idea to try to cap gas prices from Russia. Trying to cap prices to Russia is like you going into WalMart and telling them you’re not paying more […]

Of course she did

I’d be surprised if anything different happened in Oregon these days.   Their governor just signed law allowing high school students to graduate with no testing in reading, writing, or math.  It’s just FINE if high school students can’t read, write, add, subtract, etc; they’ll get their high school diplomas and join society as productive members, […]

Low Threshold of Anxiety

DC Mayor sounds the alarm over Texas bussing in illegal immigrants to their town.  And it only took TWO busloads to declare “an emergency”.  Geez, what do these folks think life has been like on the U.S. southern border for years??