This truly put a smile on my face

It doesn’t get much better than this – just a few days after Kamala Harris made the ridiculous statement that the border is “secure”, TX Gov sends 2 busloads of illegal immigrants to be dropped off AT HER HOUSE in DC. One of the people on those buses sure doesn’t think the border is “secure”.  […]

Harvard, bringing Ivy League Wokeness to a new level

Using the wrong pronoun is “cultural/identity” abuse.   “…an environment that perpetuates violence,” a voiceover from the training states, including “sizeism and fatphobia,” “cisheterosexism,” “racism,” “transphobia,” “ageism,” and “ableism.” “ Have you ever heard of anything so silly?  I had to look up “ableism”, that’s a new one on me.  Apparently, this abuse is defined as […]

Perhaps the NYT should write a big article about this

NYT recently wrote a big article about surveillance technology in China; do you suppose they’re ever going to write one about what’s being done in the U.S.?  An excellent article about a subject most of us don’t even realize is going on.