If you haven’t seen this, you really need to!

My newest favorite group on the Internet, Citizens for Sanity.  They are dedicated to fighting ‘wokeism’, and do so by placing actual ‘phony’ woke billboards in communities, to ridicule the woke-folk.  It’s amazing! The only problem is that some of the real woke stuff is so crazy, it’s tempting to believe it’s real.  Check them […]

‘Love your neighbor’ doesn’t apply to babies in CA

CA Governor Gavin Newsom launched a campaign to promote coming to California to get an abortion.  No surprise, there, but what is truly awful: “the ads cite Jesus Christ’s words in the Gospel of Mark: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these. -Mark 12:31” “  

Gotta love it

According to CA Governor Gavin Newsom, it’s Trump & his policies that are causing people to leave California.  Does he not know that Donald Trump hasn’t been President for 2 years?? As the article says: “It might have something to do with California’s high taxes, high crime, restrictive COVID policies, out-of-control homelessness, and other issues.”

Unfortunately, this won’t surprise you

Have been asking for years “what exactly ARE they teaching in schools these days?”  It isn’t Civics, that’s for sure. Read the article about a political science professor, who gives his students quizzes on their first days in his class, to determine their level of knowledge.  The failure rate is awful, and downright scary.  This […]