Best Halloween Costume Yet!

But if you live in a Democrat-run city, maybe you better buy the kids their own Halloween candy! Hat tip JH!

Something for everyone

U.S. Army’s first transgender officer,  wife indicted for attempting to pass soldiers’ medical info to Russians.  A new phrase, “trans treason”, is born, I guess.

Yeah, it was a mistake, alright

But not an unintentional one.  “Google Claims Censoring the new Italian Prime Minister’s speech (Meloni) was a mistake.  Yes, it was, I wonder where they got that idea? However, she, too, is a threat to democracy, according to the President/White House.  Apparently, any election that has results they don’t like (either here or abroad) is […]

Just when you think she can’t get any stupider…

AOC:  Abortion is an economic issue because it forces people to work ‘against their will’.    This is not satire.  Again, who’s stupider, her – people who vote for her? But doesn’t she just look so smart in her librarian glasses? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I don’t think most of […]