‘Cultural appropriation’ of LIPSTICK SHADES????

Whoever in the heck Hailey Bieber is, she’s been accused of ‘cultural appropriation‘ because she said in some silly TikTok video that she’s ready for fall things, including ‘brownie-glazed lips’.  I had no idea some lipstick shades belonged to certain ethnic groups, but apparently, what did I know!!!

But it’s good to know we essentially have no problems in America today, if this is the worst thing someone can gripe about.  I can see past civil rights leaders rolling in their graves over this, if this is all you have to gripe about.

This is not the first time I’ve heard of this kind of looney-tune business.  A few years ago, a bunch of women at their college were upset because some white girls wore gold hoop earrings, and they felt it was ‘cultural appropriation’.  Seriously.  I looked it up, I thought maybe these complaining idiots could be accused of ‘cultural appropriation’ of gypsies, or something – but it was even worse than that!!!

Gold hoop earrings dated back to ancient Greek women, so take THAT, you little cultural-appropriating rascals!

Which lipstick shades are culturally appropriate for older southern ladies?  I don’t want to make a faux pas.  And, being of Scottish heritage, I’d best not see ANYBODY wearing any plaid, or a hissy fit will be pitched.

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