What were we thinking these things would do?

Been thinking again about my best friend from High School, who just passed away.  One of the silliest things we did, at age 17, was to decide we needed to enroll in the Elaine Powers Figure Salon.  At that point in time, I barely tipped the scales at 100 pounds, and we both were in the best shape of our lives.  Was thinking about that and those crazy machines they had.   Apparently this torture device was supposed to “roll” the fat off your legs and bottom while it twirled around.

And if THAT didn’t work, this one was supposed to “shake” the remaining stubborn fat off your waist and hips.     Why on earth did anyone think this would have any sort of effect at all?  Apparently, lots of people did, we certainly weren’t the only people in there!  And another question:  how on earth did we convince our mothers to pay for 2 slim teenage girls to go to a figure salon? It’s a mystery!

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