
How ’bout this?    The Delaware Supreme Court ruled on Friday that a state law enacting universal mail-in voting violated the state’s constitution.

Something you might not know about Loretta Lynn

In all the coverage of Loretta Lynn’s death this week, came something I didn’t realize:  did you know 5 of her songs were banned from some radio stations when they came out for being too controversial?  Yep, Loretta sang about the Pill, husbands who come home drinking with lovin’ on their mind, whoopin’ up on […]

Saints Preserve Us

1+1+1=2, according to the President. “Biden has ‘two words: made in America’ “  

Once again, Open Season on “Wrong Thinkers”

William & Mary Pro-Choice Student Charged With ‘Assault for Allegedly Throwing Urine at Pro-Life Activists’.  How classy; at least the idiot who did this was charged with assault.  What’s next, throwing feces like monkeys, or something?

Emergency! Emergency!

Proud sanctuary city NYC’s Mayor has declared an emergency over their influx of migrants.  Mayor says “we have not asked for this”.  Do border states ask for this?  It’s different when the shoe’s on the other foot, isn’t it?