More Fraud in COVID Relief Cash – This Time, It’s IRS Employees

So, we’re hiring thousands more of them so they can watch other IRS Employees, or so these new ones can get in on the theft bonanza? “Amid the rampant fraud and corruption in the government’s massive COVID-19 relief cash giveaway, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees have been charged with stealing over a million dollars from […]

It Just Gets “Better and Better” for PayPal

Good Heavens. “A PayPal worker based in China was the apparent author of a since-rescinded legal document that said the company could deduct thousands of dollars directly from people’s accounts if it deemed that they engaged in “misinformation.”  “

More Out-of-Control FBI??

Director using FBI jet for personal use? “FBI Director Christopher Wray’s personal use of an official bureau Gulfstream jet has caused Republican members of Congress to send a formal letter on August 15 inquiring about the nature of the fights while some members inside the FBI are accusing Wray of embezzlement… One anonymous agent said […]

Why Would We Be Doing This?

Researchers at Boston U. Supposedly Claim They Developed a COVID Strain With ‘80% Kill Rate’. “When a similar group of rodents were exposed to the standard Omicron strain, however, they all survived and only experienced ‘mild’ symptoms. Writing in the paper, they said: ‘In…mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts […]