Hasn’t This Fool Ever Heard of Zoom?

Nothing weird at all about London Mayor Sadiq Khan flying over 14,000 miles round trip.…to attend a climate change summit.  Big sigh.  These folks want YOU to walk or ride a unicycle everywhere, not THEM.

Watch If You Can Stand It

Just in case you thought I was kidding about keeping Biden away from any one-on-one talks w/Putin, take a gander at the highlights from his last speech – if you dare.  Just one is shown here, the fun never stops.  H/T:  The Yankee.  

Democratic Lawmakers Celebrate ‘International Pronouns Day’

Of course they do.  Because getting those pronouns straight (“He/Him/His”) is the most important thing going on in this country today, right????  You just keep thinking that, fools. I can’t imagine what will happen the first time someone includes their pronouns when we meet.  (It’s not likely to happen ’round these parts, but we do […]

Pretty Pitiful, But I Agree With It

Biden’s staff to do all they can to keep him from even being in the same hallway as Putin at the upcoming G20, much less meeting with him.  Normally, you’d think that leaders talking, especially when things are so tense, would be a good thing.  However, Joe Biden’s behavior is so unpredictable, nobody thinks anything […]