Twitter Me A River

I’m sure you’ve all heard and seen the kerfuffle over Elon Musk and the upcoming Twitter layoffs.  Normally, folks getting laid off is not a source of amusement, but watching how these little Twinkies have reacted kind of turns off my sympathy button.  Letters ‘demanding’ this and that to their new boss, some crazy girl tweeting Musk directly to tell him off – you know even if she’s 100% right in what she says, who in their right mind would hire you knowing you’d publicly attack the CEO?

As the article says, the median salary is $150,000 and comes with great benefits, of course.  But this video showing an employee taking you on a tour of the office is the living end.  As a retired Federal employee, we hardly spent work hours in the ‘salt mines’, but this ought to blow your mind.


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