The Bee Strikes Again

Too funny. “Biden Commends First White House Trick-Or-Treater On His Great Costume”

Kari Lake Thanks Liz Cheney for Being Her Biggest Fundraiser

Yep, it’s true.  After Lizzie Borden Cheney made her little support ad for Lake’s opponent, Lake raised $500,000.  That was quite thoughtful of Lizzie! “[L]iz Cheney now is officially my biggest fundraiser to date,” Lake said. “We raised a half-a-million dollars since she did the anti-endorsement, and people are still flocking to our website, Kari […]

Oh, the Humanity…

Starbucks employee posts internet meltdown because he has to work 8….hours….in…….day.  Dear Heavens. What will these young folks do if anything actually bad or upsetting ever really happens to them?  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I see these type of things.