The Bee Strikes Again

Love it. “Democrats Worried Republicans May Take Lead Beyond Margin Of Cheating” But in all seriousness, there really HAS to be a limit on how badly you can cheat.

Why, What Interesting Timing!

White House Announces Days Before Midterms That Biden Admin Will Help Pay Certain People’s Power Bills. Imagine that!  Perhaps if you hadn’t wrecked the entire economy, folks wouldn’t NEED help to pay their bills.  Obvious pandering.  

Department of Injustice Needs Investigating

This is just one of many things they need to address and DO SOMETHING about. “On Wednesday, Representative Jim Jordan sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that the Department of Justice respond to their requests for documents and information regarding several issues including the “Department’s targeting of journalists with Project Veritas” as […]

Awwwww, Google Wouldn’t Do That, Would They?

Sure they would.  Google’s algorithms can cause your info to be relegated on the back pages, where no one will likely see it.   So if this routinely happens to Republican candidates, why doesn’t that count as ‘election interference’?  What else would you call it?  Interesting info in this interview, worth a watch.