CNN: Freedom of Speech is Nonsense

Um, sorry, but I think CNN is nonsense.  Apparently, having an opinion different from what you’re being fed 24/7 by the “main stream” media makes you a Russian agent, or something.


“Everything is about Vladimir Putin to these people. According to them, he stalks the shadows like some bizarro Batman, ready to pounce at any moment with memes and “disinformation.” Of course, Robert Baer is in the same camp of flacks who insisted that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and we all saw how that turned out.

Baer’s complaints are, to put it succinctly, nonsense. One, Twitter was overrun with fake accounts prior to Musk’s acquisition of it. Two, the idea that past regulations kept Putin’s regime off Twitter is just laughable. Does anyone really believe that Russia was stopped in its tracks from posting on social media because the last iteration of Twitter banned accounts for saying COVID-19 came from a Chinese lab? I’m pretty sure the Russians, as much as I’ve dogged on their capabilities, are capable of spoofing an IP and posting on Twitter if they want.”

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