Covid Amnesty

As some of what we were originally told about the covid vaccine is now being shown to be untrue/inaccurate, you’ve probably seen the “well, we just need to declare amnesty over what we did during that time and move on”.  There’s some truth to that, being mad or bitter is not going to help anything.  However, along with “moving on”, I’d sure like to see to some assurances that people would act more fairly at whatever “next time” comes in the future, because the way I saw people act was downright scary to me.

I was not particularly for or against getting shots, I just thought it was an individual choice that should be made based on  your own personal circumstances.  If you did/did not get the shot, and feel good about your decision, I’m happy for you.

What it evolved into was “do what we say, or else”.  I wouldn’t have been surprised if the unvaccinated had to wear a “Scarlet U” or a Star of David, or something.  I saw wives not being able to visit husbands in the hospital, husbands not being able to hold a funeral for a spouse, children not able to visit elderly parents, people lose jobs over the jab, and on and on, along with the economic devastation.  Liquor stores open, but churches closed, etc.

I saw some folks acting like they were in a “vaccine club” – “Did you get Moderna or Pfizer?  I got Pfizer!”, like they were getting bids to a sorority, or something.  Anyone who dared ask a question was ostracized, ridiculed, and sometimes treated really badly.  If I heard one snotty person say “It’s the science”, I heard 50; well, to me, science is about questioning what is accepted as facts, and not about blindly accepting everything you’re told.

We no longer think the earth is the center of the universe, or put leeches on sick folks.

Just saying I thought it was a personal choice cost me people I thought of as friends.  I was told that “people like you make me sick” and that I was an uninformed idiot.  Well, maybe, but who made you the fount of all knowledge?  Or in charge of everyone else’s health and well-being?

  • Remember “if you take the shot, you won’t get covid”?  Nope, not true.  I know both vaccinated and unvaccinated who had it, some multiple times.
  • Remember “but if you don’t take the shot, you could pass it on to other more vulnerable persons, maybe kill Grandma”?  Nope, both vaccinated and unvaccinated could pass it on to others.
  • Remember “but if you take the shot, you’ll have a milder case”?  Well, maybe so, but how can you prove that?  How would they know how bad it would have been if you were unvaccinated?

And “This shot is absolutely safe, but you can never sue me, no matter what happens to you” does not inspire confidence.

To anyone who was made very ill by covid, or who, God forbid, lost loved ones to this disease, my heart goes out to you.  But the “my way or the highway, don’t question me” culture scared me as badly as getting sick.

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