Oh, Give Me a Break

New York Times releases guide on “How to Cope with Election Results“, in case your candidate didn’t win.  As the article making fun of this idiocy says about the Times:

“Maybe you shouldn’t have spent six months convincing your gullible readers that democracy will end if their party loses”

I’ve been laughing and shaking my head over these fools ever since the crying jags you saw when Hillary lost:  Honestly, is your candidate not winning the worst thing that ever happened to you?  Seriously?

Here’s some of their suggestions:

  • “Try five-finger breathing. Trace the outside of your hand with your pointer finger. When you trace up, breathe in, and when you trace down, breathe out.
  • Cool down. Plunge your face into a bowl with ice water for 15 to 30 seconds.
  • Move. Even a walk around the block can offer some relief for an uneasy mind.
  • Breathe like a baby. Focus on expanding your belly as you breathe, which can send more oxygen to the brain.
  • Limit your scrolling. Consider plotting out specific times when you will look for election updates.”


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