Survey Finds Many College Students Hold Totalitarian Views on Speech

Surprised?  You shouldn’t be.  This is truly frightening.

“It’s awful that huge majorities of college students are totalitarian enough to support corporal punishment for unwanted speech. It’s almost as bad that similar majorities think favored speech should be compelled

Less than 40% of those surveyed could bring themselves to oppose the idea that “some types of offensive speech even merit the death penalty.” And an absolute majority agreed that violence can be justified to prevent the utterance of hateful views.

Now consider the collegians’ views on that equation’s flipside — namely, that speech should be compelled in some circumstances. More than 65% agreed with each of the following two scenarios: first, that professors and administrators should forfeit their jobs if they don’t “make statements in favor of diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and second, that “new employees at any company, business, or organization” should be “required” to “sign” such statements.

Sieg Heil, y’all.


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