Biden Admin Spends $550K on AI to Detect Social Media Microaggressions

Good Heavens, this is just what we need.  I mean, we don’t want to wear our Government personnel out deciding what’s ok to say, or not; so let’s let Artificial Intelligence do it. “Government spending records show that the Biden administration is set to award more than $550,000 in grants to develop artificial intelligence that […]

It’s Only Money; Your Money, That Is

Rand Paul’s ‘Festivus Report’ airs $482 billion worth of federal waste grievances. “The government spent money to study hamsters on steroids, puppies on cocaine, drunk mice and more…” Just a small example, look for yourself… “More than $31.5 million worth of COVID funds went to buy luxury cars, and another $1.6 million was used to […]

Look at This

Biden is killing El Paso. “How much, on average, is the City of El Paso spending each day to care for these people? The cost has risen from $55,000 a day to up to $250,000 daily. As the number of migrants rises, so do the costs accrued by the City of El Paso. El Paso […]

My Thoughts Exactly

For the Laptop from Hell scandal, the coverup is worse than the crime.  I really don’t care much at all if Hunter Biden is a scum, other than when it comes to selling his Dad’s influence. What’s truly sickening and scary is seeing branches of our Government used to protect some folks, and hurt others.  […]

Look At What We’ve Come To

In the U.K. now, but I’m sure some folks would love to see this over here, too.  Silent prayer is now “anti-social” behavior. “Footage published by Alliance Defending Freedom shows police confronting Spruce, who has been charged with breaking a Public Space Protection Order for praying silently near an abortion clinic on four different occasions […]