Shocking to See it in Black & White, but Not Surprising

Study: Many Democrat-Run Cities Are More Dangerous Than War Zones. “Anew study has confirmed that it’s not fair to refer to violent Democrat-run cities like Chicago as “Chiraq” – because that would be unfair to Iraq. While the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have ended, the study revealed that the data shows those fighting during […]

Twitter File Release #11 – The Government Censorship Campaign to Control COVID-19 Information

“Twitter File release #11 hits on the long-anticipated information surrounding how the platform was instructed by various government agencies to remove content adverse to the expressed opinion of CDC, HHS, and DHS officials… As Zweig begins his review he noted, “The United States government pressured Twitter and other social media platforms to elevate certain content […]

And Part “Idjit”, Too!

‘Canine Therian’ TikToker Identifies as Part Dog or Part Wolf. I say, put “It” in with a pack of wolves, and see how it goes!