Biden’s Natural Gas “Phase Out” is the Next Looming Disaster

It’s Only Money.

“Back on December 7th (Pearl Harbor Day, appropriately enough), the Biden administration issued a declaration via the Department of Energy ordering all new or refurbished federal buildings to eliminate the use of natural gas and become fully “electrified” beginning in 2025. The order didn’t receive much attention in the press at the time, but this foolish plan needs to be checked at the door. This was, of course, yet another sop to the climate change fanatics, but the White House clearly wanted to bill it in a way that made the plan seem even “better for America.” The order declared that electrifying federal buildings in this fashion would save the taxpayers eight million dollars annually “in upfront equipment costs.” But as the Free Beacon discovered when delving into the numbers, this plan will actually do the opposite, driving up costs to the taxpayers significantly

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