Well, This Will Convince Everyone that He’s A-OK

Joe Biden Launches Into a Profanity-Laced Tirade Over His Condition.  Or is the White House now a “Memory Care” facility?

“The oldest-ever commander-in-chief, who turned 80 last month, has “vented to allies” about how much the topic is discussed in the media as he sizes up a bid for a second term in 2024, Politico reported Tuesday.

“You think I don’t know how f—ing old I am?” an exasperated Biden — who reportedly has a penchant for profanity — ranted to one of his acquaintances earlier this year, according to the outlet.

Biden, who has said he expects to run for another four years in office but has pushed a final decision back until early next year, would be 86 years old when he leaves office if he completes a full second term.”


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