Jeremy Clarkson of ‘Top Gear’ Calls out Radical Left’s Attack on Normalcy and Free Speech

I love this guy.

Not saying what he said was NICE, but he’s right – who’s making all these rules about what you can & can’t say?  And why are people putting up with it?

“In his opinion piece, Clarkson posed the questions, “Who’s doing the erasing? Who’s making the rules? That’s just it. We don’t have a clue. What we do know is that, having taken control of the television stations, without a shot being fired, they turned their attention, like any conquering army, to the schools.”

Clarkson suggested that the leftists who successfully took over British schools “went fully Pol Pot, doing a comprehensive year-zero job on the curriculum so that kids would know their parents were all racists. Apart from those with ‘unconscious bias.’ Who were racists as well.”

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