Citizen Journalists Traveling to Ohio to Report on the Toxic Chemical Clouds Because Media Refuses to do so

You sure haven’t seen much in the mainstream media about this, have you? Hm, wonder why…This is a terrible situation, mishandled from the word go.
Greta Releases Book Printed On Dead Trees As Newest Bid To Save The Climate
You go, girl. You’d think someone so dedicated to saving the planet would publish just electronically, or something, wouldn’t you?
Biden Nuclear Official Turned Alleged Serial Luggage Thief to Appear in Court to Face Charges

When your sexual preference, race, or “gender identity” becomes the basis of being hired, NOT your qualifications, this is the kind of bizarro thing that can happen.
Senator Kennedy Describes the Situation Succinctly

Most of us Louisiana folks are good communicators. You may or may not agree with what they say, but like fellow Louisiana native James Carville, they are rarely boring to listen to. Senator Kennedy attended a classified briefing on the current “UFO” balloon shootings, and had this to say: “Senator Kennedy says the briefing did […]