There May be Hope for the Youth of America, Yet

Cabas, WA, student wants to ride to prom in WWII tank.  Now, their dresses are a lot skimpier nowadays – in my day, you were supposed to look ‘sweet’ in your Prom dress.  I once went to a formal dance (in a long dress) with a guy who drove a pickup truck; getting in and […]

If Church Ladies Had a Reality TV-Show

Yes, it’s really funny!!!  Check it out! “And that’s where this episode of “So True, Y’all” comes in! “The Real Church Ladies of Burndale” imagines all the passive-aggressive comments, petty behavior and hilarious theatrics that would likely take place among a group of ladies planning a church event in the South if it was the […]

Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

‘Our Tests Show The Water In East Palestine Is Safe For Drinking,’ Says Official With Gills And Glowing Yellow Eyes‘

LA Times: California Lost Half a Million People in Just Two Years

I can’t imagine why, can you? “Let’s see: Shut down the state for a year, mandate masks and jabs, stop prosecuting criminals, let homeless people take over, and embrace every single wacky left-wing policy from no-limit abortion to transgenderism.” Maybe that song needs to be changed to “California, Here I Go”.

Just Half????

I’d think the number would be much higher, wouldn’t you?  Gallup/Knight Survey: Half of Americans Believe “News Organizations Intend to Mislead Them” And it’s not just the Democrats or Republicans who feel this way, either: “Perceptions of political bias in news coverage have also increased, with independents driving the trend, followed by Republicans, then Democrats.” […]