23 Controversial Southern Food Opinions

If you really want to start an argument, go to south Louisiana and ask if tomatoes should go in gumbo.  Have to tell you, people will fight about that! Not sure if some of these folks are really Southerners, or not.  Southerners who don’t like:  tomatoes, grits, gravy, etc?  Oh, well, more for me!  (But […]

Have to Admit, It’s True

Time seems to be a very fluid concept for Southerners, especially women.  “The other day” means NOT THIS day, there’s no restriction on it.

More Important Legislation Proposed by Florida Democrat!

Florida Dem: Make it Illegal for Dogs to Stick Heads Out Car Windows.  I’ll bet if this person ever had a dog, it ran off because it never had any fun.  Of all the idiotic things for an elected official to dedicate time to, with all the things going on in this country today.  I […]

But I’m Sure They Know All About ‘Preferred Pronouns’

Chicago: 55 Schools Have Zero Students Proficient in Reading or Math Failure on a massive scale.  Heck, who needs to know how to read well, or add/subtract? “There were 22 schools that had no students who could read at grade level; another 33 schools claimed that no students could perform math at grade level.”