And Why Would This Be?

The Feds Are Tracking the Unvaccinated, and You Won’t Believe ‘WHO’ Is Telling Them to Do It.

“World-renowned Dr. Robert Malone, who was “canceled” for sounding the alarm about all things COVID, reported that the no-longer-secret surveillance program that the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) — which is a part of the CDC — originated has begun not only tracking those who have been partially or completely unvaccinated. But why?

Doctors working at hospitals and clinics are now expected to ask patients if they’ve been vaccinated — and if not, why not — and report the answers to the NCHS. The only doctors who aren’t expected to comply are the ones who are in private practice and do not accept insurance.

The program began in the U.S. on April 1, 2022, but wasn’t instituted nationwide until January 2023.
A patient’s consent to add the info to the database is not required.
The information is accessible within the United States healthcare system as well as outside of it.
Medicare and Medicaid are involved in the program.”

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