Flight Forced to Land after an Angry Passenger Charged Cockpit over a Drink

I’m so glad I don’t have to travel as much as I did before I retired, because bad behavior like this seems to be on the upswing.

“An American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in North Carolina on Wednesday after an “unruly” woman in first class allegedly tried to breach the cockpit — because she was upset at not being served a drink.”

When I started travelling a lot, I thought it would be exciting and sort-of glamorous to be constantly flying around to different parts of the country.  It’s not.  Remember way back when when people would wear nice clothes to travel in?  Now it looks like Wal-Mart, and it’s more like a flying cattle drive.  By the time you’ve gotten thru paying for tickets/parking, and after running the gauntlet thru TSA (take off your shoes, stand in line, hop on one foot, and rub your belly while patting your head (practically!!), having your gate moved several times, flight delayed and/or cancelled, by the time you get on the plane, you are sometimes on your last nerve.  That may account for some of this type of behavior, but certainly doesn’t excuse it!

My best advice for older, height-challenged women:  Don’t count on there being anyone with good manners around to helpfully assist you with stowing luggage on the plane, putting out a hand to stop you from falling on the baggage carousel, etc.  My best advice:  if you want help, get in people’s way!  If they have to help you in order to get by you, they will.

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