‘I have a master’s degree. What do parents have?’, Asks Teacher

So, because you have an advanced degree, this means you are in charge of what the children learn and when they learn it, not their parents.  Sorry, dear; you might also need a whack on the head with a concerned grandmother’s best umbrella!  Read this and become truly disgusted at what some teachers in our schools believe – they, not you, are in charge of your children.

And they’re not even trying to hide it – this highly-educated person testified to this in front of AZ Senate Education Committee:

“Special education teacher, Alicia Messing, testified before the Arizona Senate Education Committee in opposition to Arizona bill SB1700. The bill would give parents greater insight into materials used by their schools and a procedure for objecting to material they find objectionable, especially those that are found to be ‘lewd or sexual in nature, that promote gender fluidity or gender pronouns or that groom children into normalizing pedophilia’.”

The real dunce cap belongs not to this idiot, but to all of us for allowing this to go on in our schools.

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