Southern Living Sets Us Straight On Snacks

You Might Be from the South If You Consider These Canned Foods a Memorable Snack.  They review what I never knew before – that these are ‘Southern’ snacks?  Nobody but us eats them?  Is that correct?

I don’t remember Beanie Weenies being a treasured snack in my childhood.  Maybe I’m just too old, and they weren’t around then.  Potted meat?  Only southern people eat this?  Didn’t know that.  Actually, I found that one of Korean folk’s treasured snacks is SPAM.  They apparently seem to love it, and if it’s fried up crispy, it’s ok.

But the true wonder is “Vienna Sausages”.  I remember we would BEG for that treat as kids.  Why, I’ll never know. It tasted like I imagined feet would taste, and looked as appetizing, too.  AND WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT JELLY STUFF IT WAS PACKED IN?  Ewwwww.


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