You Almost Have to Try to Find a Dress This Ugly and Inappropriate for a Foreign Visit

Normally, I don’t like to comment much on 1st Ladies because they’re really no one of any importance, just happen to be married to someone that is.  But for the love of all that’s Holy, someone PLEASE tell me what’s up with this dress.    It looks like someone vomited camouflage on the material.  I saw a fairly recent picture of her wearing fishnet stockings and a dress; unless you’re going to your 3rd grade tap dance recital…fishnet stockings????

One good thing about Jill Biden, the rest of the world leader’s wives don’t have to be concerned at being completely shown up, like they were with Melania Trump.  I mean, can’t this woman find someone to pick her out a decent outfit?  Oh, gee, I’m sorry, her wardrobe people were chosen because of their diversity and ethnic background, not any ability.  I’m not sure whoever picked this can see!!  And she’s got on socks and sneakers with a dress (although I use the term loosely).


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