Your Tax Dollars At Work

A $400K Missile Might Have Taken Down a $12 Hobby Balloon Over Yukon Territory.  Had no idea how much these types of missiles cost, until informed by The Yankee.  Maybe I’m crazy, but I kind-of thought you were supposed to KNOW what you were shooting at before you target it with anything, much less a missile that costs nearly half a million $.  Can’t blame the pilots, they had orders to do this – but who initiated that order?  Why are we acting like a bunch of crazy, drunk  idiots, going ‘blammity-blam-blam’ on stuff that we don’t even know what it is.  We teach kids not to aim a BB gun without knowing what it might hit.  Unbelievable.

“The descriptions of all three unidentified objects shot down Feb. 10-12 match the shapes, altitudes and payloads of the small pico balloons, which can usually be purchased for $12-180 each, depending on the type.”


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