Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

Man Regrets Transitioning To Woman After Seeing Line For Restroom.   Should have thought of that before the switcheroo, buster.

Microsoft Adds AI Bing to Windows Computers Despite Unhinged Behavior

So Microsoft’s new AI is as crazy as most of the people, but that shouldn’t stop them from adding it as a ‘feature’ to Windows.  It should be fine, right? “Although OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, developed the feature, users are discovering that it has the ability to steer conversations towards more personal topics, leading […]

California High School Removing Honors English Classes to Promote Equity

Makes perfect sense to me – right?  Let’s don’t have any student excel anymore, so the rest of them won’t feel bad.  That’s what we need in this country.  How about encouraging/working for all students to excel, not drop standards? “The Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD) in California is citing racial equity as the […]

5th Grade Teacher Sued for Calling Girl a Boy’s Name Until Girl Felt Suicidal

Apparently, a teacher here thinks they can decide the gender of their students, with or without any input from the student.  This is sick. “A teacher at an elementary school in Long Island is accused of pressuring a 9-year-old girl to question her gender identity and sexuality to the point that the girl was openly […]