NYC Learns That Enforcing the Law Reduces Criminal Activity

Another “You reckon??”  moment.  Who would have thought this?

“A light at the end of the tunnel? City subway crime has dropped so far this year to levels not seen in decades aside from the pandemic — as cops significantly ramped up their crackdown on fare evasion, doling out nearly 10,000 more summonses in 2023 than at the start of last year. Police figures show major crime on the subways is down 21.5% year to date compared to the same period in 2022 — with every category of serious felonies but one in the underground system showing a decrease. Burglaries remained flat, with two reported. “Obviously, crime is down. We’re proud. This is real progress,” Transit Chief Michael Kemper told a small group of reporters inside One Police Plaza on Tuesday…”


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