Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 Footage Creates Legal Headache for DOJ Prosecutions

No matter what you feel about this topic, these sentences did not fit the crimes – which to me seem to be vandalism (breaking a window), or trespassing – but even that’s hard to say, since there’s lots of video evidence of them being escorted around by the Capitol Police.  Even if you hate what they did, these people don’t deserve to go to prison.  AND NOBODY KILLED ANYBODY, except the one unarmed veteran who was shot by Capitol Police.  These people did not receive a fair trial, and many have had their lives ruined by this legal farce.  Fair trial?  Really?

“The release of new tapes from the Jan. 6 Capitol riot on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show could create a major legal headache for the Department of Justice’s handling of cases against hundreds of defendants, according to legal experts.

A lawyer representing one of five Proud Boys members on trial for seditious conspiracy referenced Carlson’s showcase on Thursday, saying the tapes offered to the commentator by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) prove federal prosecutors hid “plainly exculpatory” Capitol security footage.”


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