Trans Day of Vengeance is Canceled: ‘credible threat to life and safety’

Day of Vengeance” has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?  Doesn’t sound threatening or anything, right??

“The event was originally called the Trans Day of Visibility rally. However, the name change happened after the mass murder by a trans shooter in Nashville on Monday. Then the justification for the name change began. Vengeance, to most people, implies the potential for violence. It’s not a peaceful, passive word. No, no, the activists said. Vengeance means fighting back with vehemence. The demonstration is to bring a spotlight on the alleged ‘genocide’ of trans people. Ironically, it was a trans shooter in Nashville that killed five innocent people – 3 nine-year-old children and two adults.

Since Monday, the media and the Democrats have been busy turning the transgender shooter into a victim instead of the real victims of the day, the school children and the school staff. The White House has been particularly tone-deaf on the school shooting. Joe Biden has not been to Nashville to comfort grieving families and school personnel. He made some weird small talk about his love of chocolate chip ice cream instead of addressing the mass shooting to a crowd of guests at the White House on Monday.”


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