Poll: More than 1 in 5 Democrats believe Men can get Pregnant

And 5 out of 5 of everyone else thinks y’all are crazy.  A recent poll, read all about it.

Wasn’t it just a short time ago, people were sneering at you and saying “It’s science, get over it.”  Last time I checked, Biology was a science.

And out of the people who said they believed this, over 1/3 were college-educated women.  What in the world are we teaching in schools nowadays??  It obviously isn’t Civics, and it doggone sure  isn’t Biology.  “Kardashian 101”, I guess.

The author of the article says that he thinks most of the people who said that don’t really believe it, but knew it was the “right answer” to give, politically.  So, once again, truth is how you “feel”, not facts.

One Response

  1. The percentage rose when only including women, and a whopping 36% of white, college-educated female Democrats concurred.

    “Overall, few Americans think men can get pregnant,” said WPAi Managing Director Conor Maguire. “But with 36% of a core Democratic constituency (college-educated white Democratic women) and one out of five Democrat voters believing this, one can see why Democratic leaders coddle the radical gender theory movement.”

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