Definition, per Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary: Admonition: Gentle reproof, as with a meat-axe. Friendly warning.
Photos That Mean Something a Little Different in the South
I’d never expect the contents of these containers to be what’s on the label, would you?
Only One Democrat Voted for a Bill Yesterday to Protect Babies Born Alive After Botched Abortions
How can you call yourself a human being, voting against this?
‘This Doesn’t Make Any Sense’
Why is someone expecting anything to make any sense, for goodness sakes? “You have said repeatedly, the president has said, he takes classified documents very seriously. If that’s the case, why were these classified documents being stored in his garage?” Do we need to produce some sort of ABC Schoolhouse Rock Series for classified documents, […]
According to AOC, This Contributes to Brain Damage
No, NOT Jill Biden….Well, wait a minute, maybe. Using gas stoves.
You Know, I Know Some Guys Who Would Have Done This
If they had thought of it, that is.
Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting
Doctors Finally Admit Best Treatment For Flu Just ‘The Price Is Right’ And Crackers. And Vicks-Vapo-Rub, too, I’d bet.
Just Found a Second Cache of Classified Documents that Biden had at a Different Location
This is getting ridiculous.
Biden Admin Mulls Declaring War on Stoves
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tried to score some social media points off the news and said that gas stoves were “linked to brain damage” when mocking Rep. Ronny Jackson for opposing banning them. The FUN part came when someone pointed out that she’s made several videos cooking in her kitchen – on her gas stove. Maybe […]
Definition, per Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary: Absurdity: A statement of belief manifestly inconsistent with one’s own opinion.