MSM finally admits crime is a huge problem. See, before, it was just a figment of right-wing imaginations….but now it’s real. Funny how that works.
AGAIN? “Gender Fluid” Biden DoE Official Charged AGAIN With Stealing Airport Luggage
You honestly cannot make this stuff up. “A Biden energy department official who allegedly stole a woman’s suitcase from a Minneapolis airport in September has been accused of another luggage heist at a Las Vegas airport. A felony warrant on grand larceny charges was issued for Sam Brinton, the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel […]
The Babylon Bee: Californians Leave Texas for “Home”
The End of the Series. Check it out.
Duke Refusing a 14-Year-Old Girl a Kidney Transplant, because of no Covid Vaccination
The Blue Devils, indeed. “At 14, Yulia Hicks has already had more than her share of bad luck. Brought from Ukraine to the United States in December 2018, she was given up by her first two adoptive families before Chrissy and Lee Hicks adopted her in 2021. She suffers from Senior Loken Syndrome, a genetic […]
Those Doggone Racist Sharks and Shark Week
No, this is not a joke – unless you think of the Washington Post as a joke, which so many people do. Too many white guys named Mike on Shark Week. I didn’t know there were rules about that nowadays.
Chicago School Dean Brags About Sharing Sex Toys with Minors
Project Veritas catches this creep. If you don’t think our children are being targeted by these folks, please think again. This has no place in schools.
California English Teacher: Proper Grammar is ‘white supremacist,’ Refuses to Teach it
Some blithering about following ‘made-up’ rules. Isn’t all grammar, etc, made-up rules? This makes it white supremacist? I need to take an aspirin.
Running for Cover
Top FBI Official Steps Down as Republicans Prepare to Probe Into Bureau. “News of D’Antuono’s retirement comes just weeks after Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee named him as one of nine FBI employees they would “require prompt testimony” from as they seek to investigate potential political bias at the bureau.” Gee, what a coincidence.
Harvard Theater Hosts ‘Gayisan Love Story’ Between Jesus Christ and Judas
Higher education at work, again.
The Bee Strikes Again
Fun New ‘Antifa On The Shelf‘ Doll Burns Down Different Part Of Your House Every Night