They DO?????? News to me

Biden says he’s very confident that people want more inflation, etc.  Don’t know about you, but I haven’t talked to one person in ages who’s happy about the way the country is now.  Yes, we want more of your policies, President Biden, sure we do.  Uh huh.

“Gays and Gentlemen”?

I can’t imagine what good they think it’s doing to put Joe Biden out in public, it’s really a hateful thing to do.  H/T:  The Yankee.  

The Bee Strikes Again

I love the Babylon Bee, and we all need a good laugh these days: Report: It’s Not Even Thanksgiving And Liz Cheney Is Already Putting Up Her January 6th Decorations  

Watch How It’s Done, Politicians

Kari Lake handles an inflamatory question with dignity.  The article’s author makes a good point: “Lake defends herself without being defensive. She doesn’t attack the person who was used as a tool to attack her because she has sympathy for someone who has lost a child. Lake then uses the sympathy she has for Brian […]

The Bee Strikes Again

Love it. “Democrats Worried Republicans May Take Lead Beyond Margin Of Cheating” But in all seriousness, there really HAS to be a limit on how badly you can cheat.