FBI Offered $1 million to Steele if He Could Prove Dossier Claims

Where was the FBI going to get that money?  Right out of your pocket, silly! “FBI supervisory analyst Brian Auten testified Tuesday that Hillary Clinton’s contracted opposition researcher, Christopher Steele, hired by Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, was offered up to $1 million by the FBI in early October 2016 if […]

And Pfizer speaks the truth

Nice to know now, now that we let people get demonized for not taking the vaccine. “A member of the EU Parliament from the Netherlands, Dutch PM Rob Roos questioned the leading representative from Pfizer during an EU hearing. Mr. Roos asked Pfizer if the mRNA vaccine was ever tested to see if it blocked […]

Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party

Good for her.  One of the few Democrats that I’ve seen that act like they live in the real world said she can’t be a Democrat anymore. Former Democratic Presidential candidate and former U.S. House of Representative member.  I don’t agree with everything she supports, but a lot she says makes very good sense to […]

Well, won’t it be fun getting all this sorted out?

I thought if you felt like a woman, you were a woman, and vice versus.  But the White House says regardless what you feel like you are, if you were born male, you must register for the draft.  Females who feel like they’re male are not required to register.

Chicago Guaranteed Income Program To Be Open to Illegal Aliens

Well, gee, problem solved!  Now we know exactly where to send them!!  That local paradise known as Chicago!! Has anyone ever stopped to wonder what happens when you run off your businesses because it’s either not safe, or too expensive, when your working taxpayers who CAN leave, DO?