Low Threshold of Anxiety
DC Mayor sounds the alarm over Texas bussing in illegal immigrants to their town. And it only took TWO busloads to declare “an emergency”. Geez, what do these folks think life has been like on the U.S. southern border for years??
Welcome to Alabama! Now choose…
The Yankee & I moved to Alabama a few years ago, and love it here. But it was interesting! Most Southerners love football, SEC football in particular. Growing up in Louisiana, there was only one SEC school in the state; so, by default, everyone qualified as an LSU fan, even if they went to another […]
Are the FBI the new Secret Police?
Sure looks that way. Dozens of Trump Allies Raided or Served Subpoenas by FBI This is an incredible escalation by the Biden Administration and it’s going to be hard to justify that this isn’t an effort to go after and shut down political opponents. This would be incredibly out of control and something on a […]
Another non-surprise
Layoffs ahead, according to survey – over half of US execs surveyed think so.
Anybody surprised??
Credit card group approved a plan to track gun & ammo sales.
Wow, it didn’t take much to get them all stirred up, did it?
TX & Arizona have turned DC into a border town, with just a few busloads of illegal immigrants! I’m impressed! Frankly, except for the historical monuments, think I’d rather BE in a border town than Washington, DC!
Belles At Birth
As they should…
Fed up parents in Baltimore sue Public Schools. This is about as bad as I’ve seen, but unfortunately, it’s far from the only place this is happening. What good is being a graduate if you can’t read? What’s the point? “Stories abound of Baltimore’s momentous failures to teach its kids. One report details how a […]
It finally begins to dawn on folks…
Dear Europe, You’re not hurting Russia with these sanctions, you’re hurting yourselves. From The Sun in the U.K.
Why should Chicago have all the fun?
DeSantis sending illegals to Delaware, Joe Biden’s home state. Heck, why not send them to Biden’s house? BTW, does anyone know if those folks that got dropped in Chicago are still alive??