Words I’ve Lived By

I don’t know if this is strictly a southern lady thing, or not.  But the only way I got my first driver’s license is by promising that nice man who gave me my driving test that I would NEVER parallel park.  And I’ve kept my word!!  I’ll walk for a mile in the heat to […]

This is depressing

Watch the video and cry.  Look how smart some of our young folks are!  The only question they could consistently answer was “What are the names of the Kardashian sisters?” I mean, thank goodness they know the IMPORTANT stuff!

Prepare to be terrorized by classic books

If you’re that ‘fragile‘ you can’t read a book without going to pieces, you’d better just stay in University, because real life will be way too much for you.  So silly.   By the way – one of the “Tomes of Terror” is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.

Let’s just fight everbody, ok?

What are these lunkheads thinking?  We’re doing every single thing we can to make Russia and China angry, so let’s just add the North Koreans in the mix, too.  I mean, why not?

We have a contender for this week’s “Blue Ribbon Idioicy”

I sincerely hope this is the stupidest thing I hear all week, but you never know these days:   “Let’s relocate people from rural areas so they won’t need cars”.  Who does he think is going to grow his food, and how would it get there, etc?    Although it would be funny to see someone […]