San Francisco’s Reparations Panel Recommends $5 million for Every Eligible Black Resident

Good Lord.

“So you must be an adult who has identified as Black for at least ten years. But you only need to meet two of the other criteria. The first two of those specify residence in San Francisco for at least 13 years between 1940 and 1996. However, there are some requirements that don’t mention the city. For instance, “Descendant of someone enslaved through US chattel slavery before 1865.” That could apply to lots of black Americans in many parts of the country. Another option reads, “Personally, or the direct descendant of someone, incarcerated by the failed War on Drugs.” Again, that could apply to many people who don’t live in California. Combine those two and this program would seem to be open to lots of people who aren’t residents of the city. Again, maybe I’m reading the eligibility form incorrectly or maybe it just wasn’t written very carefully. I’m not sure which.”


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