Biden Think Tanks a ‘Sketchier Version of the Clinton Foundation’

Now THERE’s a scary thought, huh?   Gosh, I didn’t there was such a thing ‘sketchier than the Clintons’, did you?

“At least the Clinton Foundation disclosed a list of its donors,” Goodman said. “There are no similar requirements for the set-ups that Biden has at these universities.”

The University of Delaware has received $6,704,250 in donations from China and $23,610,996 from Saudi Arabia since launching the Biden Institute, which is run by Biden’s sister Valerie Biden Owens, in 2017. The school refuses to disclose if the foreign donations went to Biden’s institute.

The University of Pennsylvania, meanwhile, took in $61 million from Chinese donors in the three years after the launch of the Penn Biden Center in 2017. The school has similarly refused to disclose how much of the foreign donations were directed to the Biden Center.

“We know that foreign governments often use donations to universities in order to buy influence,” Goodman said. “When you have a think tank tied to the president’s name on a campus, that can be a recipe for disaster.”

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