San Antonio Zoo Lets You Name Cockroach After Your Ex

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“For just $10, the zoo will not only give the little roach a moniker of your choosing, but to sweeten the deal, it will then feed the creepy crawler to an animal while you watch. Not only do donors get some incredible closure—and the animal gets a little snack—but that $10 will go to a good cause (well, another good cause), namely supporting “the zoo’s vision of securing a future for wildlife in Texas and around the world,” per the zoo’s website….

To ensure that your so-called not-so-special someone knows you’ve named a rat or a roach after them, as part of your donation, the zoo will send your ex a digital Valentine’s Day Card informing them that their namesake was fed to an animal at San Antonio Zoo.

For $150 donation, though, the zoo will help serve up some revenge by sending that heartbreaker a video with a custom voiceover. That way there will be no doubt that John Doe from Tallahassee is a no good, dirty rotten cockroach who got what he deserved.

To participate in this extra fun fundraiser, submit your exes name online before Valentine’s Day.

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