Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

Oscar For Best Actor Goes To Volodymyr Zelensky. “While waving the Oscar statuette around wildly, he said, “For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibility. I am the world’s greatest hero!” “Also, please send more money for bombs.” He dedicated his win […]


Joe Biden says state of Florida is “close to sinful” and “cruel” for protecting kids from puberty blockers, operations to remove their genitals.    

Diversity Director Claims College Fired Her for Questioning Anti-Racism Policies

Geez, even the “Diversity Director” can’t stay out of trouble.  Stop asking questions, silly!  They mean whatever we want them to mean at the time! “A black director of a “woke” California college’s Office of Equity, Social Justice and Multicultural Education claims she was fired for questioning the institution’s anti-racism “orthodoxy” and what the term […]